Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Announcing #LOC Economy 2.0

Introducing LOC Economy 2.0

  1. Exploration of the challenges that accompany our current LOC economy. We have outlined 6 main challenges and enriched your understanding through explanatory visuals.
  2. Presentation of our solutions and a detailed analysis of how they affect the challenges outlined in section 1. Comparing the efficiency of the old vs. new economy by taking in 3 key factors and providing graphical representations.
  3. Summary of Impact. Listing 12 bullet points that summarize the analysis of section 2.
  4. Simulations and a dynamic simulation tool for you to play with. Presenting you a total of 5 pre-set scenarios we’ve made (1 detailed focusing on user base growth with reference to affiliates and viral effect, 1 lightweight version that would be easy to play with, and 3 highly dedicated ones to showcase key effects of the new economy).
  5. Conclusion and a short FAQ

Click Here to Open LOC Economy 2.0

Major changes require strong arguments. This is why we prepared a 25-page argumentation document, which leads you through our own thinking process and demonstrates how we came up with the solutions. You will notice that we worked a lot with data to verify the effectiveness of each upgrade.
To give you the same experience, we added booking volume/price simulations to the document, so that you can confirm each argument first-hand. Here is a quick overview of the document structure:
We can’t wait to get your feedback on it! Take your time though. We know that the material we present is very information-dense and requires some serious thinking to grasp all aspects of it.
We will be hosting a survey next week as soon as we have the feeling that the concept has been well-understood and discussions matured towards a general consensus.

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